Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Corset Nail Art

Happy Terrible Tuesday!

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When I saw this post by Nail Nerd I got giddy!!! It was the first time in awhile I showed the Boy nail art and he didn't snort in derision.  This meant I had to give it a try.

As you can see my attempt was less than stellar. I used two coats of Nail Life Gripper base coat, then followed with two coats of Sally Hanson's Save The Date. The Corset stripes (done in OPI Lincoln Park After Dark) are actually done in a 'V' shape from the middle of my cuticle.

I then used a silver Sally Hanson Nail Art Pen (these things are AH-MAZ-ING! I'll be doing a full review soon) to dot the 'grommets' up the sides of the 'corset'. I actually managed to fit five up each side. Then with a dotting tool I put a dot of save the date in the middle of each silver dot to create a ring of silver. I then 'laced' the corset with the black Sally Hanson Nail Art Pen. Two coats of a top coat (I'm not going to tell you which one. I'm in the market for a new one) and I was good to go. The colors are very dark so it doesn't photograph well. I'm hoping my next attempt will come out better.

This week starts both Face/Off on Sy-Fy and Larry the Cable Guy's Only In America.  I haven't been this excited about TV since American Horror Story's season ended. I promise not to subject y'all to my love of Larry but Face/Off is an ENTIRELY different story.

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